Brief: SDGs Status Update

Botswana has made steady progress against the Sustainable Development `Goals. There has been consistent and sustained support on the SDGs, especially around advocacy, sensitization and awareness creation, as they are central to generating momentum and commitment to attaining the SDG targets.
In addition to the Domesticated Indicator Framework (DIF), Botswana has set up robust institutional mechanisms that are critical to ensuring that the SDGs are mainstreamed into development planning and programming. For example, Botswana has developed an SDGs Roadmap as a prerequisite for leveraging interlinkages, mainstreaming, localization and steering implementation of the SDGs across all sectors. The National Planning Commission (NPC) co-chairs, along with the UN, the task team on SDGs and the National Steering Committee on the SDGs. Moreover, the government has developed SDG Planning Guidelines as a tool to find practical ways to accelerate the rate of implementation of the SDGs in Botswana. The guidelines provide a mechanism to move national discussions away from conversations around goals to planning for and implementing specific SDG targets according to the development challenges facing Botswana.