Botswana: National Development Plan (NDP) 11, Volume 1 / April 2017 – March 2023

The adoption of the eleventh National Development Plan (NDP 11) in December 2016 followed the country’s celebration of the fifty years anniversary of Independence and the launching of the Vision 2036 in September 2016. As a nation, we note with pride our country’s transition from one of the poorest countries at independence to an upper middle-income country over the past 50 years. This success can be attributed to the presence of strong democratic institutions, prudent economic management, and the sustainable use of proceeds from diamond production to build productive physical and human capital.
The Vision 2036, launched at the same time when the country was celebrating its fifty years anniversary of independence in September 2016, provided an opportunity for the country to define its roadmap for the next twenty years. With an all-encompassing theme of “Achieving Prosperity for All”, the Vision provides an inclusive development path to be achieved through the expansion of the domestic economy while empowering Batswana to meaningfully participate in the development of their country. Achieving the goals and objectives of Vision 2036 will require a refocus of our current development model towards an export-oriented, labour-intensive, and private sector driven model. This is necessary so as to further create sustainable job opportunities and diversify our economic base.